Widgets for sales and product pages
(Or which ever page your want)
Advanced Elements makes it easy for you to show product information or sales information in your shop or on your service site.
Use the widgets with the Elementor Single template for your product so you only have to design the widgets once.
The table widget is great to show product specification or information.
The testimonials widget makes it easy to show product testimonials.
Tips. Use the Accordion to make a FAQ section on your site.
Price List
The price list widget makes it easy to show a restaurant style menu.
Price Table
The price table widget makes it easy to show various pricing options with included features.
Easily create tabs on your pages with a repeater as base.
Various widgets for rows and boxes
A common use case for showing repeating information is in the form of boxes and rows. Advanced Elements makes it easy to add those to your pages.
Combine widgets to create unique content
If your design needs can’t be met with the default widgets you can always make your own template to display the repeater information.
Repeater with template, price list,
dynamic text and background images
Repeater with template
The repeater with template renders a repeater field using a template. This makes it possible to have repeater within repeater field.
Dynamic Tags
The add on has support for dynamic tags with repeaters
Price List
The price list widget makes it easy to show a restaurant style menu.
Repeater with template
with dynamic tags (text and images)
Repeater with template
The repeater with template renders a repeater field using a template. This makes it possible to have repeater within repeater field.
Dynamic Tags
The add on has support for dynamic tags with repeaters