ACF relationship & post object field


ACF Relationship and post object fields are great when you want to create relationships between various posts. You can make many-to-many, one-to-many and one-to-one relationships. Update the fields automatically using the ACF Post-2-Post plugin.

We use the Relationship and Post Object fields extensively on this website. The section at the bottom of the page is rendered using Post Object with Template. The “Part of” in the page header is rendered using a post object dynamic tag.


ACF Post Object with template

Display many to one or one to one post relationships easily using the Post Object with template widget.

ACF Relationship with template

Display one to many relationships easily using the Relationship with template widget.

ACF relationship & post object field
dynamic tags

ACF Post Object dynamic tag

Choose to show ID, title, name, excerpt, content, URL.

ACF Relationship dynamic tag

If relationship contains more than one object a comma separated line will be shown. Choose to show title, name, excerpt, content, URL. Or total number post in relationship.

Relationship widget and tags example

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