God Jul/Good Yule

Today it’s Christmas Eve and today we in Sweden celebrate Christmas. Just wanted to wish everyone a good yule if you celebrate it and great weekend if you do not. Could add some news. The Advanced Elements 1.12 release is coming after the holidays so it is good try out the beta before then on […]

Get the free design feedback plugin – Feedbacking

I am happy to announce that we have just released a new free plugin called Feedbacking. It enables you to comment various parts of a page, take screenshots and also draw with a red marker on the screenshots. You can draw on both the screenshots that you take through the browser when clicking on the […]

New version of ACF Icons now available at WordPress.org

We have now moved the ACF Icons plugin to the wordpress.org plugin repository and with that move also released a new version. With release 0.1.3 the plugin now longer contains a single SVG icon file in order to keep the file size low. The single SVG files are generated on the first request and saved […]

What’s new in Advanced Elements 1.1? Also the release of ACF Icons plugin

The 1.1 release comes with vertical tabs support and ACF Icons integrations. The support of icons introduces two new widgets Repeating Icon Rows and Repeating Icon boxes widgets. This release also removes the dependancy on Goose Studio Settings for updates. ACF Icons is a new free plugin ACF Icons adds a new field type to […]

What’s new in Advanced Elements 1.0

AFC repeater icons

Quite a lot actually. New widgets are coming and also improvements to repeating image backgrounds when using Elementor templates and overall performance. It has been a while since the last release but the development has not stopped. I have decided to increase the plugin version to 1.0 since I think the codebase has become sufficiently […]

GitHub/Bitbucket tips for those that reuse plugins in client projects

Do you reuse commercial plugins and themes with different clients? I know I do. I also like to create a Bitbucket account per client that I manage. This is so the client owns in a manner of speaking his or hers own data and code. This could create a bit of a hassle when updating […]