Advanced Elements 1.12.1 released (bugfixes)
This release just contains bugfixes for various areas of the plugin. The bigger fixes relates to the experimental features introduced with 1.12. As always test on staging to make sure tings work as expected.
Advanced Elements 1.12 released
This release comes with two new widgets ACF Table that renders a table based on the ACF Choice field and ACF Relational List widget. The main focus has been improving and adding more tags to the experimental 2.0 part of the plugin. These new experimental features will be enabled by default on new plugin installs. […]
Advanced Elements 1.11 – now with experimental features
A project that’s been happening behind the scenes is a more or less complete rewrite of the the Advanced Elements codebase. (Also, this rewrite will increase PHP minimum requirement to PHP 7.4 so if you have not updated PHP on your site you should do that.) Part of that effort is made available by new […]
Advanced Elements 1.10 comes with partial ACF Extended support
I got a request through support to also add ACF Extended (Pro) support to the plugin and that process has begun. It is a large plugin with many new features so full compliance will take some work. I have also added some new dynamic tags for standard ACF fields such as Range, User, Link fields. There […]
Advanced Elements 1.9 released, improved support for Flexible Content
This release fixes various Flexible Content issues related to nested ACF fields inside Flexible Content layouts. You also get new dynamics tags for post objects. Changelog Add Flexible Content Post Object Dynamic Tag. Add Flexible Content Post Object Featured Image Dynamic Tag. Add Post Object Featured image repeater dynamic tag. Add Post Object Featured image […]
Advanced Elements 1.8 released, now with full support for Flexible Content
With the release of 1.8 all widgets can be used with Flexible Content widget. You can now have ACF Repeater widgets inside “Repeater with template” widget and all repeaters are shown correctly. A big change is that this release comes with Freemius integration. Previously all plugins were handled via Easy digital downloads, going forwards the […]
Advanced Elements for Elementor, 1.8 alpha3 release
New alpha version of Advanced Elements for Elementor comes with a bunch of smaller fixes when it comes to loading of dynamic tags in various situations. This release also makes the plugin work better with the upcoming Query Elements alpha release and its edit template integration in the editor. Add Flexible Content widget support to […]
Advanced Elements 1.8 alpha release
I have started on version 1.8 with a pretty massive improvement so I thought i prudent to get a new cycle going earlier than usual. The mayor addition this version is that all repeater widgets now render properly when using Flexible Content. I will be remaking this site to use Flexible Content. Add Flexible Content […]
Advanced Elements 1.7 has been released
Advanced Elements version 1.7, requires Advanced Customs Fields and Elementor, comes with new features such as more layout options, templates and Button Group support for various dynamic tags. The main improvement is that the add-on now supports the ACF Flexible Content field. Additions Add Button Group to ACF Text dynamic tag Add Button Group to […]
Advanced Elements 1.6 released – and what is on the roadmap
Earlier this week the 1.6 version of Advanced Elements was released. If you want to know what was updated see earlier post regarding the 1.6 beta. I have gotten questions about being more clear about what is on the roadmap so that is something I will be publishing more about from now on. For upcoming […]